Turnip and Carrot Dish

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

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I've always been a big lover of vegetables.  There are not too many I don't like with the exception of tinned peas.   This goes back to when I was a child.  Other than carrots and turnips, we mostly had tinned vegetables at home, and my mother found a dead cricket at the bottom of a tin of peas once, after we had already eaten half the tin.  You couldn't get me to eat a tinned pea after that.   In fact, in all truth I am very fussy about my peas.  I only like tender small ones.  Once they get big and woody textures, I can't stand them, and I don't think I am alone in that!

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This delicious vegetable mix here today is a very flavourful way to get in some of your five a day fruit and veg.   With carrots, turnips (you could use rutabaga or swede instead), celery and onions, it is a beautiful combination, both in looks and in texture and taste.

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It's all cooked in the one pan.  I used chicken stock, but you could use vegetable stock if you wanted to.

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Once the vegetables are crispy tender, you boil the pan juices to reduce them, creating a delicious glaze.  You will probably not need any seasoning at all, exept perhaps a bit of  freshly ground black pepper.

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This makes for a delicious, appealing and healthy side dish, as part of a meal.  All you need to balance it out is a small portion of carbs and protein.

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*Turnip and Carrot Dish*
Serves 6

You can also use swede (rutabaga) in this dish, but it will take slightly longer to cook.  This is a delicious side dish, filled with flavour and fibre. 

1 kg of white turnips (about 2 pounds), peeled and diced
2 stalks celery, washed, trimmed and sliced
3 medium carrots, peeled and sliced into coins
1 large clove of garlic, peeled and crushed
1 medium onion, peeled and chopped
225ml chicken stock (1 cup)
50g of chopped fresh parsley (1/4 cup)
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 

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Put all of the vegetables into a saucepan along with the stock.  Bring to the boil, then reduce to a slow simmer.  Cover and cook for approximately 20 minutes until all are fork tender.   Uncover and turn the heat up.  Cook, until the liquid has reduced to a glaze.  Season to taste with salt and pepper, sprinkle with parsley and serve.  Delicious!

Calories per serving:  54
Grams of fat per serving: negligible
Fibre:  good
Vitamins A and C:  Excellent


  1. Merhabalar, çok leziz ve iştah açıcı görünüyor. Ellerinize sağlık.


  2. I love veggies too.Did yahavetotellusabouthecricket?:(
    Ok..quinoa quinoa quinoa:)

  3. This looks delicious and just the thing to go with the roasted chicken I am going to make for dinner tomorrow night. I don't like tinned vegetables at all...even without a cricket. Though, I do like crickets....just not dead ones at the bottom of my peas.

    1. Thanks! This would go fabulously with roast chicken! Sorry about the cricket! Xo

  4. With a diabetic in the family, I am enjoying the healthier recipes. You really know how to make them tasty.


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